Harvesting Bins and Horticulture Equipment Finance

Industry specific finance and knowledge.

BFL offers harvesting bin finance for rental of grape, fruit and vegetables bins.

Our leading harvesting bin finance is available as an alternative to seeking financial support from banks and other finance institutions.

We can provide plastic or wooden harvest bins, depending on your requirements.  Wooden harvest bins are now available for rental up to 24 months.

Our service for you

Choose the plastic or wooden harvest bins you need for your business and on your behalf, BFL can:

Financial Security

We use the harvesting bins as security so there is no need for us to take security over business or personal assets.

Harvesting Bin Suppliers

We work with market leading suppliers such as Gorilla Products, A.I.M. Sales, Moreno Global Plastics, Pellenc Australia, Croplands, AFSystems 3 Corp, Seed Terminator, Australian Frost Fans, Hydralada and many more to provide you with the best product you require.

Let's get started, how can we help?

    Or call 08 8323 6700*

    *Mon-Fri, 8.00am-5.00pm, South Australia