Brewing and Distilling Equipment Finance

Industry specific finance and knowledge.

BFL offers brewing and distilling equipment finance service to breweries & distilleries across Australia.

Leasing through our brewing and distilling equipment finance allows you the flexibility to choose a suitably large system to optimise solid profitability.

We are an alternative to dealing with banks and other finance companies who don’t understand the opportunities presented from the growth of the Craft Brewing & Distilling Industry.

What equipment can we cover?

Our service for you

Flexibility to choose the brewing and distilling equipment you need for your business and on your behalf, BFL can:

Financial Security

We use the equipment as security so there is no need for us to take security over business or personal assets.

Rental payments don’t begin until equipment has been delivered.

We provide fixed monthly rentals to assist cashflow planning.

There are no establishment, application or ongoing facility fees.

Minimal documentation is required as part of the approval process.

Brewing & Distillery Supplier

We work with leading overseas manufacturers and their Australian agents and suppliers including; Comito Global Sourcing, Brewtique (Esau & Hueber & NDL Craft), Synergy Customs Solutions (Daeyoo Tech, Twin Monkey & Tiantai), Alpha Brewing Operations, iStill,  ABE Beverage Equipment, Burns Welding, HHH Distill, Knapp Lewer Contracting, KeglLand, Cheeky Peak Brewery Gorilla Products Australia and many more.

Let's get started, how can we help?

    Or call 08 8323 6700*

    *Mon-Fri, 8.00am-5.00pm, South Australia