Our Privacy Policy

Looking after your data

About this Policy


This privacy policy will give you a more comprehensive explanation of how your data is handled by Barrel Finance and Logistics. If there is anything that is not clear from this privacy policy, please feel free to email us at

Our Principles

We have a simple approach to data protection and privacy which adheres to the 13 Australian Privacy Principles.

Our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act):


We collect your personal information so that we can provide you with the products, services or information that we supply. This may include your first name, last name, location, age, phone number, email address, postal address and payment details that you have provided when interacting with us. We may also collect information on how you use our website, your product preferences, opinions and other personal preferences. Other information that may be automatically collected when you visit our website include (without limitation) your Internet Service Provider (ISP), operating system, browser information, Internet Protocol (IP) address or other device identifiers, location and time/date stamp. At times, we may collect personal information from a third party or from a publicly available source, but only if you have consented to your information being used in this way, or would reasonably expect us to collect it in this way. We only collect this information from companies or sources that are allowed to disclose it to us. Below you will find a breakdown of the different ways your personal information is collected.

Use and Disclosure

We only use personal information for the purpose which was requested of us, or for the purposes which directly relate to one of our functions or activities. We will not provide your personal information to other entities or bodies, or any other party unless one of the following applies (as per and in line with APP 6 – use and disclosure of personal information):

Credit Report and Check

Under the terms of the Privacy Act 1988 [Act], Vincorp (SA) Pty Ltd t/a Barrel Finance & Logistics as credit provider needs to make disclosures to you and obtain authorisations from you before any application is processed. The authorisations relate to information that can be obtained before, during or after the provision of the credit to you. In accordance with the terms of the Act, VINCORP (SA) PTY LTD T/A BARREL FINANCE & LOGISTICS as well as their agents, associates, related entities and any other credit providers to whom your credit application may be referred [Credit Participants], will:

We collect, hold and use, information related to your commercial and consumer creditworthiness from CreditorWatch (w: e: t: 1300 50 13 12, a credit reporting body, for all purposes permitted by law.

We also disclose information to them. This activity is conducted for the purpose of assessing your credit capacity, eligibility or history in connection with an application or an obligation as a guarantor, collecting payments from you, and managing our credit relationship.

Creditworthiness information includes information that is both positive (like payment information) and negative (like defaults or serious credit infringements that we may disclose to credit reporting bodies if you fail to pay us).

Our privacy policy and the credit reporting body’s privacy policy (see our websites) have more information on how we, and the credit reporting body, manage personal information, including creditworthiness information.

The policies also include how you can access, correct, and make complaints about personal information, request that your information is not used for credit pre-screening, and request a ban on use of credit information where you have been a victim of fraud.

Anti–Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2008

Under the terms of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF), reporting entities such as VINCORP (SA) PTY LTD T/A BARREL FINANCE & LOGISTICS are permitted to disclose your full name or your company, residential address and date of birth to a credit reporting agency for the purpose of verifying your identity electronically under the AML/CTF.

Your identity will be verified by the credit reporting agency comparing your personal information provided by the reporting entity against the personal information already held by the credit reporting agency.

You may be required to expressly consent to the reporting entity providing your personal information to a credit reporting agency in order to electronically verify your identity.

If you do not wish your identity to be verified electronically by a credit reporting agency under the AM L/CTF, you will be able to verify your identity to the satisfaction of the reporting agency via other means.

If your identity is verified electronically by a credit reporting agency under the AML/CTF, the credit reporting agency may provide an assessment as to whether the information held by the agency matches the information provided by the reporting entity, in whole or in part.

Quality of Personal Information

We do our best to ensure your personal information is up to date and accurate at all times, as this allows us to deliver a better service to you. If any information we have on you needs to be corrected, please contact us via

Data Security

We take active steps to protect the personal information we hold against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, and against other misuse. Furthermore, each and every Barrel Finance and Logistics employee or agent must abide by this policy. While we cannot share with you details of the security systems and procedures we have in place for security reasons, if you have any questions, you can always contact us at

Access and Correction

At Barrel Finance and Logistics, we do everything we can to keep your personal information accurate. If you find that any information we hold about you is incorrect, you can contact us at, or as per the contact details below and we will endeavour to assist you with your questions. Please bear in mind that under Australian privacy laws, there may be situations where we cannot provide access to such personal information. For instance, if it would reasonably affect someone else’s privacy or may pose a threat to someone’s life, health or safety.

When no longer required or requested by you, all personal information is destroyed in a secure manner, unless required by law.

For any personal information that is collected by third parties, even when you are visiting our website, it is best to view their privacy policy and seek assistance from those parties directly.

Complaints Handling

If you have any complaints or feel that there has been a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered APP code, you can contact us at or via another option below.

If you are not satisfied with the process of making a complaint to our Privacy Officer you may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner on the details below:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone: 1300 363 992
Fax: 02 9284 9666

How to Contact Us

We understand that your personal information is important to you and are thrilled that you made it this far! If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or our practices you can get in touch with us in the following ways:

Address: Barrel Finance and Logistics, 189 Main Road, McLaren Vale, SA 5171

This privacy policy was created on 17/07/18 by My Privacy Policy.

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    *Mon-Fri, 8.00am-5.00pm, South Australia